Diablo 3 Monk Best In Slot

To everything, turn turn turn, there is a Season, turn turn turn, and a use for every class on Sancturary. So with Diablo 3’s Season 24 arriving on July 23, we must again ask ourselves the question of what class you, the player at home, should play as this Season unfolds. This Season marks the return the Ethereal Weapons from Diablo 2 to a whole new game as a Season theme, will add new, unique, class specific powers and abilities in the form of weapons unlike anything seen in the game up to this point.

These weapons will only be available for Seasonal play and only during Season 24 — as soon as the Season ends, these weapons will be gone along with it. Each class will get three Ethereal weapons, with each weapon having a unique Legendary power and a unique passive class skill, so there should be something for you to find and enjoy while playing your character to 70 this Season.

After an expansion, a console port, and several patches, Diablo III looks really healthy right now. With tons of special items and legendaries added to the game it. No Comments on Diablo 3: Season 24 Monk Inna’s Mantra Fire Mystic Ally Build for Patch 2.7.1 I decided to revise my original post about the Inna’s Mantra build based on my own testing on PTR. Originally, I made a statement that Ethereals would not make a difference but I have changed my mind based on what I’ve seen on PTR.

And because it’s such a weapon focused Season, I can unabashedly say without hesitation that you should play a Barbarian in Season 24.

Barbarians are the best class and they have always been the best class

Honestly, there’s nothing in Season 24 that really requires you to play as any specific class in order to do well.

If you insist on being wrong and playing some other class? The game won’t punish you for being wrong. If you really enjoy Necromancers or Witch Doctors or Crusaders? Season 24 will have an Ethereal Weapon that will work for you and allow you to do well. In fact, a lot of the fun of this Season will be in discovering the new Ethereal items and enjoying their powers and abilites.

It all comes down to what you enjoy the most, because the Season isn’t going to make any particular playstyle better or worse than any other. There are remarkably few mechanical changes this time around, and as a result, it really comes down to finding the best Ethereal Weapon for your playstyle. Just remember that the powerful bonuses from the weapons do not stack with Kanai’s Cube powers or other gear, so you won’t get to double dip for even more power — but having the right Ethereal weapon will let you change your Cube powers and gear loadout accordingly, making unique power combinations.

Ultimately, this means you really can just play whatever you like. It should be Barbarian, mind you.

But if you want to consider every available options, here’s a rundown of the classes available in Diablo 3.

Solo Monk Build Diablo 3

Classes for melee players

The melee-focused classes in Diablo 3 are Barbarian, Crusader, and Monk. Each of these has a different flavor to them.

  • Barbarians are my soul mates and focus on brutal mass damage with huge splash attacks like Seismic Slam, Hammer of the Ancients, and Whirlwind.
  • Crusaders use a big shield to block — and in some cases redirect — damage, with withering attacks like Bombardment and Heaven’s Fury that lay waste to an area.
  • Monks are nearly the polar opposite of this, with high maneuverability that allows them to avoid damage that Barbarians simply absorb and Crusaders block or reflect. Attacks like Tempest Rush and Exploding Palm allow them to deal out damage while avoiding it themselves.

Essentially, if you’re looking for a melee class, these three have three variant approaches — wade in, take a beating to dole out one of your own for Barbarians, use a shield both to avoid damage and deal it out yourself while also smiting every fool in reach on the Crusader, or nimbly sidestep threats and use the enemies’ own numbers to destroy them on the Monk.

Need more help deciding? Read Blizzard’s descriptions of each class, which give you a feel of gameplay and lay out the lore behind each: Barbarian, Crusader, Monk.

Classes for ranged players

First off, while these classes do have ranged attacks, they can use those attacks on things up close and personal to them, so don’t worry that you’ll get surrounded — each of these classes have options to bring the pain no matter where the enemy is.

Ranged players have more class options than meleers, with the Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Demon Hunter all focused on dealing damage from a distance.

  • Wizards are the pure stuff. Magic Missile, Ray of Frost, Arcane Orb, Mirror Image, and Teleport are just some of the tricks Wizards have at their disposal. If you want to rain destruction without worrying about things like pets or minions, Wizards are the ranged class for you. Remember, your Season journey starts at level 1 with no gear or money so you won’t have to worry about optimization for quite some time.
  • Demon Hunters can focus on traps, turrets, or pets to help them as they cartwheel around the battlefield, using Vault, Strafe, and Multishot to their advantage.
  • Witch Doctors are a bit of a hybrid class, relying on summoned minions and curses to soften up their enemies. Then, they either use their magic to make their minions and curses stronger and whittle their crippled foes down, or they sometimes wade in to kill their debilitated enemies. If you want to use mindless Zombies as fodder and summon Gargantuan ones to fight, Sacrifice one and watch it explode, or even rain Firebats down on your foes, the Witch Doctor could be for you.
  • Necromancer is a close cousin of the Witch Doctor. If you like the concept of using minions and debilitating your enemies, but not so much the specific aesthetic of the Witch Doctor, this may be your class. The Necromancer’s flavor is fairly different, with the Witch Doctor’s kit being more The Serpent and the Rainbow while the Necromancer is more straightforwardly Evil Dead, but if you like wielding a scythe while unleashing hosts of skeletons and causing your fallen enemies to explode, Necromancers are your jam.

Need more help deciding? Read Blizzard’s descriptions of each class, which give you a feel of gameplay and lay out the lore behind each: Demon Hunter, Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard.

How to level, play, and make the most of your newly-chosen class

Everyone’s equally squishy and underpowered at level 1. That’s why the game starts you off with a few shambling undead in Act 1 and gradually ramps up as you clear your way through the Cathedral. If you’re just getting started with Diablo, we have guides and info to help you out:

  • Everything else you need to know about gear (namely Legendaries)
  • Blizzard’s Diablo forums, which are full of great resources
  • Builds from Diablofans to help you put together a killer character
  • Icy Veins’ class guides for Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, Witch Doctor, and Wizard

Now that you’ve decided on a character…

Actually starting a Season character is easy. Once the Season starts, there’s an option on the character creation screen to choose between a normal and Seasonal character. Seasonal characters start off with nothing — they don’t have any Paragon levels, they don’t share any stash tabs with your other character: they’re completely cut off at level 1 with starter gear.

From there, you play the game as normal, just as you did the very first time you rolled a character in Diablo 3. All the content is available to you — all five acts and Adventure Mode — so you can level to 70 doing the story, running bounties, doing rifts, and greater rifts, or you can play with friends. Season play is basically a reset that makes leveling as challenging as if you had no higher level characters to funnel you gold, gems, and legendaries.

Whatever class you choose (pick a Barbarian) it’ll be fun this Season.

Updated 07/21/2021.

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Hello healthy gamers! This post is all about equipment in the post IAS nerfed 1.0.3 era. Come inside to find out what you should spend your hard-earned gold on.

Here’s how this is going to work. I’ll go over slots, and give you the best in slot option(20mil +), a medium range option(1-5mil), and a cheap option(less than 500k)


Crit chance and crit hit damage is the new IAS. This is the stat you’re looking for the most. Crit hit chance can be found on rings, amulets, gloves, helm, bracers, and shields. Critical hit damage can be found on weapons, rings, amulets, and gloves. 25% crit hit chance is a good number to shoot for.

Dexterity of course is still vital to increasing your overall DPS and giving you a higher dodge rating. Do not neglect dexterity. 1400 is a good number to shoot for.

Vitaliy in my opinion is overrated. As long as you’re not getting one shot by anything you have enough vitality. Because think of it this way. If you have 80k hp, after that first hit you’re going to be constantly fluctuating between 0 and 80k, and most of the time you’ll never reach full HP again during the fight. So therefore what you really need is enough HP to take 1 or 2 big hits, and then focus your other stats on resists/armor so you take less damage per hit, dps stats so you kill them faster, and life on hit/lifesteal stats which constantly give you a benefit rather than a one-off benefit like vitality. I run Act 3 Inferno with 32k hps and am able to farm Siegebreaker with 5 stacks of NV.

Resists vital to your survival, but again I think most people sacrifice too much DPS in favor of resists. The beauty of a monk is that you have so many skills to avoid damage. Between serenity and blind you can have six seconds of attacking where you’re not taking damage, and a lot of skills interrupt mobs so again you’re not taking damage. Therefore it behooves you to be able to do as much DPS as possible in that window where you’re not taking damage as opposed to trying to stack things up to the point where you can tank all these ridiculously huge hits. I don’t think that’s the design intent Blizzard has for monks. IMO Monks are really designed to have a good balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, and I’ve had a ton of success with relatively low resists(400) but high DPS(38k buffed before conviction buffs).

IAS still a great skill. Especially when coupled with lifesteal and life on hit. If you can I would still pick up weapons and armor with IAS in addition to critical hit damage, or sacrifice a few pieces of crit for some pieces of IAS. A 1.8 or faster attack speed would be best.

Life on hit – Wonderful stat, and almost required for you to progress beyond Act 2 Inferno. Which is also why it’s one of the most expensive stats out there. Life on hit can be found on weapons, amulets, rings, and a few pieces of set gear.

Lifesteal – The general consensus is that lifesteal is useless. I don’t believe so. A monk with high crit gear and high crit damage can start seeing 100k+ crits and getting some just crazy DPS. With 2.5% lifesteal, hitting for 100k, equals out to 480 life stolen(100k * .024 * .2). A weapon with crit dmg, a socket, and 480 life on hit would cost WAY more than a weapon with those same stats but lifesteal instead of life on hit. And the great thing about lifesteal is that it SCALES. That same weapon, hitting for 200k equals 960 life stolen. A 960 life on hit weapon with 120+ crit dmg is going to cost you 20-50 mil. The smart money is that end-game, lifesteal will be better than life on hit.

Here’s a screenshot of my item build I’m using currently, click like to reveal.

Diablo 3 Best Monk Weapons To Use

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Post 1.0.3 I prefer dual wielding. One, because it naturally increases your IAS(increased attack speed) by 15%. Two, because you can stack crit hit damage on both weapons, and get life on hit or lifesteal on both weapons. And three the dual wield passive for 15% extra dodge is really nice to have for survival.

  • Cheap option – Buy 600-700 dps 1handers with lifesteal/life on hit and crit dmg, find a socketed weapon if you can.
  • Medium option – Buy a 700-850 dps 1hander with lifesteal or life on hit and at least 120+ crit hit dmg between the socket and what’s on the weapon naturally
  • Best in slot – 1000+ dps with 3% lifesteal or 900+ life on hit, 10%+ IAS, +90% crit hit dmg, and a socket


Shields can be fun to really jack up your crit hit chance with and offer a little more survivability. You’re looking for crit chance first of all, then dexterity, vitality, and all resist + whatever other resist you’re stacking.

  • Cheap option – 5-7% crit hit chance, low rolls of either dex and resists or vitality and resists
  • Medium option – 8-10% crit hit chance, dex, vitality, and all resist
  • Best in slot – 10% crit hit chance, high dex, vitality, all resist and the resist you’re stacking


Helms you want critical hit damage and a socket, then look for dex, vit, and all resist.

  • Cheap – 2-4% crit with dexterity
  • Medium – 4% crit, dexterity, vitality, and all resist
  • Best in slot – Just really high crit, dex, vit, and all resist



Shoulders are just your straight stats, dex, vitality, resists

  • Cheap, medium, and BIS are all about the same, just find the highest stats you can at the price range that you can afford.


Chest is again straight stats, also chest can have up to 3 sockets so getting a 3 socket chest if you can.

  • Cheap – Dex, vitality, all resists
  • Medium – Dex, vitality, all resists, 1-2 sockets
  • BIS – 200+ dex, vitality, 60+ all resist, 30+ other resist, and 3 sockets


Bracers can have crit hit chance, and then same dex, vitality, resists.

  • Cheap – 2-4% crit, dex or vitality, and all resists
  • Medium – 4% crit, dex & vit, and all reists
  • BIS – 4%+ crit, dex, vitality, all resist, and reduce melee damage taken

Diablo 3 Monk Best In Slot Ww


Gloves can have crit hit dmg, crit hit chance, and IAS.

  • Cheap – 4-6% crit, 10-20% crit hit dmg, dex
  • Medium – 6-8% crit, 20-30% crit hit dmg, dex, vit, all resist
  • BIS – 8%+ crit, 8%+ IAS, 30%+ crit hit dmg, dex, vit, all resist


Belt are straightforward dex, vitality, all resist, just buy the best stats at the price you can afford.


Diablo 3 Monk Best In Slot List

Pants can have up to two sockets(I believe, maybe 3?) otherwise stats are dex, vitality, all resists.


Boots you should definitely get move speed

Diablo 3 Monk Best In Slot Items

  • Cheap – dex, vitality, 10%+ move speed
  • Medium – Dex, vitality, all resist, 12%+ move speed
  • BIS – Dex, vit, all resist, 12% move speed, 8% IAS


Rings you should look for crit hit chance, crit hit dmg, IAS, LoH, dex, vitality, all resists. Good rings can get REALLY expensive.

Diablo 3 Monk Best In Slot Eq

  • Cheap – 3-4% crit hit chance with dex
  • Medium – 3-4% crit hit chance, 10-20% crit hit dmg, dex or vitality
  • BIS – 4% crit, 30% crit hit dmg, +8% IAS, +100 LoH, dex, vitality, all resist


Like rings amulets can get really expensive, look for crit hit chance, life on hit, crit hit dmg, IAS, dex, vitality, all resists

  • Cheap – 6-8% crit hit chance with dex
  • Medium – 8% crit with 10-30% crit hit dmg and +100 life on hit
  • BIS – 8%+ crit, 8%+ IAS, 30% crit hit dmg, +400 life on hit, dex
